by maipham

May 11, 2023

can you put baby bassinet on the floor

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Having a safe sleeping arrangement is essential for the wellbeing of your baby. Choosing where to place a bassinet can be difficult and it’s important to consider all the options before making a decision. One common question parents have is whether or not it’s safe to put their baby bassinet on the floor. In this article, we will discuss the safety concerns related to placing a baby bassinet on the floor, as well as other factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing an appropriate sleep space for your little one.

Can you put baby bassinet on the floor?

You can put baby bassinet on the floor. In general, it doesn’t make much difference versus putting bassinet on the stand. However, there are some important notes to take into consideration when putting the baby bassinet on the floor to ensure your baby’s safe sleeping environment.

Why do you want to put the baby bassinet on the floor

Some people might want to put a baby bassinet on the floor instead of using a stand because they are worried that the stand might fall over. Or some don’t even have the budget to spend on the bassinet stand. Or some (like myself) decide to co-sleep with their children, but in the first few weeks want their youngsters to sleep in a bassinet.

What’s more, if you are travelling for a few days with your young child, it might be a little bit too much to carry the pack-n-play or some sorts. So a bassinet itself is basically the easiest solution.

Benefits of using a baby bassinet on the floor

One of the main benefits of using a baby bassinet on the floor is the fact that it provides an extra layer of protection for your tiny new arrival. Placing the bassinet Erektile dysfunktion medikamente on the floor can help reduce the risk of falls, as if for some reasons, your baby knows how to roll over so soon, (s)he won’t get hurt if the bassinet is on the floor.

Additionally, this arrangement allows parents to carry the bassinet anywhere and not be restricted to the space above a bed or stand.

However, there are some safety considerations that must be taken into account when deciding whether or not to use a baby bassinet on the floor.

Risks associated with using a baby bassinet on the floor

The potential for pets or other young children to disturb the baby while sleeping

When placing a baby bassinet on the floor, it is important to consider the potential risks that pets or other young children may create. While cats and dogs may seem like harmless sleep mates for your baby, they could startle them if they move unexpectedly. Not to mention, their fur may contain allergens that can irritate your infant’s delicate skin.

Also, if you have other young children in the house, they may be tempted to crawl into the bassinet or lean against it, potentially causing it to tip over and harm your baby.

Dirt, dust, and other allergens

When placing a baby bassinet on the floor, there is a potential risk of exposure to dirt, dust and other allergens that can affect the health of your infant. Allergens such as pet dander and pollen can aggravate respiratory conditions in babies with allergies or asthma.

Furthermore, dust mites and other tiny particles found in carpets and rugs can also be harmful. Therefore, it is important to clean the area regularly or place a blanket or sheet on the floor before placing the bassinet there.

Tripping over the bassinet

One of the major risks associated with placing a baby bassinet on the floor is the potential for tripping over it. When you have a baby bassinet on the floor, it can easily become a tripping hazard as people walk around your home.

This can be especially dangerous if someone carrying hot objects, such as food or drinks, trips and spills them on your infant.

To reduce this risk, make sure to keep the bassinet away from doorways or other high traffic areas in your home and always ensure that everyone around is aware of its presence.

The lack of air circulation due to the bassinet being placed directly on the floor

When considering using a baby bassinet on the floor, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with this arrangement. One such risk is the lack of air circulation due to the bassinet being placed directly on the floor.

This can cause an accumulation of heat that can make your baby uncomfortable and increase their risk for overheating or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

To reduce this risk, it is recommended that you place a thin blanket underneath your baby’s bassinet which will allow some air flow while still providing protection from dirt and dust particles.

Additionally, if you are worried about too much warmth in your home, consider getting a fan or opening windows to keep air flowing around your baby’s sleeping area.

Safety precautions to take when using a baby bassinet on the floor

Choosing a bassinet with a sturdy base and secure sides

When choosing a bassinet, it is important to consider safety as the top priority. Make sure to select a bassinet that has a sturdy base and secure sides to prevent it from tipping over when placed on the floor. Also, look for one with an adjustable base height so you can adjust it based on your baby’s age and size.

Checking the placement of the bassinet regularly

It is essential to check the placement of the bassinet regularly to ensure that it is in a safe area away from pets and other children. Additionally, make sure that all items around the bassinet are moved away so they do not cause a potential hazard.

Placing the bassinet away from any potential hazards

Make sure to always place the bassinet away from any potential hazards such as fireplaces or heaters that could cause harm to your baby. Additionally, check for cords or other small objects near the bassinet that can be a choking hazard for your little one.

Regularly checking the bassinet for any wear and tear or potential hazards

It is also important to regularly check the bassinet for any wear and tear or potential hazards. This includes checking for loose screws, cracks in the frame, or any other structural issues that could potentially cause harm to your infant. Additionally, it is always a good idea to replace old mattress pads and make sure the fabric covering of your bassinet is clean and in good condition to prevent dirt or debris from accumulating.


Can you put baby bassinet on the floor? While it is possible to place a baby bassinet on the floor, there are certain risks associated with this arrangement that must be taken into account. It is important to choose a bassinet with sturdy base and secure sides, and ensure that it is placed in a safe area away from potential hazards such as fireplaces or heaters.

Additionally, it is important to regularly check the placement of the bassinet and make sure that all items around it are moved away so they do not cause a potential hazard. Finally, make sure to check for any wear and tear or potential hazards in order to ensure your baby’s safety. By following these guidelines, you can be sure that your baby is safe when sleeping in a bassinet on the floor.

About the author 

Mai Pham

Mai Pham discovered her passion for writing a few years ago and she never stop thinking about it ever since. She finally took the leap and created Live a Worthy Life to brag about her smart ass (mainly just for fun). Enjoyed the fun writing brings, now with her new interest in everything-baby-related, she created Mommy Instinct, to tell mamas that it's ok that they mess up, that they don't know what the hell they are doing, and that it's okay to sit back and relax for a while.

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