by maipham

November 17, 2022

when can babies sit in strollers without car seat

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The sun is shining and the weather is perfect for a walk outside.

The wind is calling your name, you miss the breeze and the air so much.

But you look at your baby, who is looking at the crib toys, he seems that he is ready to get some air too.

So you pack everything for him: diaper, clothes, napkin, shoes, wipes, milk, pacifiers,... and everything else you can think of.

You reach your stroller and start to pack it up too. Before you put everything in the car, you wonder:

“Can my baby use a stroller now?”

“When can babies sit in strollers without car seats?” 

So in this article, we are going to find out the answers to those questions, and bring you some relief knowing your baby is good to go with a stroller.


Let’s dive in.

What type of stroller do you have?

There are a few kinds of strollers. Each of them provides different features and is suitable for each specific occasion.

Umbrella Or Lightweight Models

Suitable for babies over 3 months old or those who can support their own heads, these are a great option for moms on-the-go. Umbrella strollers don’t come with an umbrella though!

They generally have light aluminum frames and semi-reclining seats. This means they can fold easily. Weight-wise, they are as light as 5 pounds.

Portable Or Compact Strollers

Portable strollers are in the mid-size range and are designed to be compact when folded. As a result, they often have easy-fold mechanisms. They usually have a storage basket and canopy included.

Full-Size Strollers

If you’re hoping to invest in one stroller that’ll wheel your baby right through the toddler years, look no further than a full-size stroller. Bigger, sturdier and usually more durable, these strollers are the standard option.

Jogger Strollers

The great strollers for on-the-run parents. A jogger stroller has a superior suspension that lets you walk, jog or hike and keep baby in comfort, while for maximum maneuverability both on and off the jogging trail

Travel Systems

An easy-to-connect travel system pairs together the infant car seat and stroller. There are full-size, lightweight, and jogging stroller travel systems, so you can choose a system with the type of stroller you like best.

Car Seat Carrier

These wheeled frames are built to transform your infant car seat into a stroller. They are compact and lightweight. For a no-fuss transition into and out of the car, they are convenient.

Can a newborn use a stroller?

If you plan to use a stroller for your newborn, make sure that the stroller reclines — since newborns can't sit up or hold up their heads. Some strollers fully recline or can be used with a bassinet attachment or an infant-only car seat. Most umbrella strollers, however, don't provide adequate head and back support for young babies.

Also, most jogging strollers aren't designed to recline. As a result, they aren't appropriate for babies until about age 6 months.

For young babies, you need to let them use a stroller with car seats. Make sure you pick the compatible ones to create a smooth connection.

When can babies sit in strollers without car seats?

So assuming your stroller doesn’t recline, then you should wait until your baby can hold his neck and head straight on his own. Depending on each baby, it usually takes 3 to 6 months until he can sit in the stroller without a car seat.

9 safety tips with strollers to allow a safe stroll with your baby

There are many different types of strollers and different brands, finding one that is perfect for your baby is a challenging task. However, once you found out, your job doesn’t end there.

In fact, you have to watch out for many things to ensure a safe environment for your baby. 

Here is the list of 10 safety tips when using strollers:

Stay close

To prevent any stroller accident, make sure you are always closed to your baby and the stroller. Never leave your baby unattended in his stroller, even for 5 seconds!

Check the toys

If you carry toys in the strollers, make sure they do not choke your baby or have any risk that can harm your baby.

Buckle up

Always buckle the harness and seat belts when taking your baby for a stroll. Even if your baby only lies down in the stroller, you still must buckle up all the harness and seat belts.

Use the brakes

When not pushing or walking with the strollers, engage all the stroller brakes. 

Put all the belongings into the cabinet

Do not hang anything to the stroller’ handlebar, or even worse, the lock as it might unlock the stroller and fold it with your baby in it, or tip the stroller over.

Watch out the lock

Always lock the stroller before putting your baby in it.

When folding

Make sure your baby is safe and secure far away from the stroller when you fold it. Baby’s tiny fingers can be stuck somewhere in the stroller and get hurt.

The canopy doesn’t protect your baby from the sun

Or at least, not much. 

Although the stroller contains a canopy and can cover your little one, you should not expose your baby too long under the sun. Too much time under the sun can make the stroller become hot enough to burn your little one’s sensitive skin. Make sure you check the temperature of everything before you put your baby in it.

Frequently check

Remember to check your baby very often, ideally every few minutes. You don’t know if anything can suddenly happen, so don’t rely too much on anything. Machines go malfunction.

Enjoy the walk with your baby

It’s possible to go outside for a stroll with your baby. Even when your baby is very young.

You just need to pick the right tool, and of course, huge cooperation from your tiny human!

Now you know when babies can sit in strollers without car seats, so get ready for an easier and lighter strolling time.

Happy walking!

About the author 

Mai Pham

Mai Pham discovered her passion for writing a few years ago and she never stop thinking about it ever since. She finally took the leap and created Live a Worthy Life to brag about her smart ass (mainly just for fun). Enjoyed the fun writing brings, now with her new interest in everything-baby-related, she created Mommy Instinct, to tell mamas that it's ok that they mess up, that they don't know what the hell they are doing, and that it's okay to sit back and relax for a while.


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